Bisson had the pleasure of helping out a vital community organization this week. When one of our thoughtful employees heard that the Bath Food Bank was moving to a new location, he reached out to management with the idea to use our resources and help out. It was approved without hesitation, and we were honored for the opportunity to spend an afternoon giving back to an organization that gives so much to so many in need every day.

But the main reason for this post is to talk about the importance of giving back and show how easy it can be to give.  In its true form, giving is done without any expectation of recognition or tangible benefit. Your reward is knowing that you have made a positive difference in someone’s life, but it also makes you healthier and happier.  In addition to health benefits, giving to others brings communities together and provides valuable experiences and insight.  How can you get involved?

Give your time

What are you most passionate about?  Volunteer at a local animal shelter, read books to school children, or serve hot meals at a soup kitchen. There are plenty of volunteer activities in your community that will match your interests, and they would be grateful for a few hours of your time.

Share your skills

Are you handy with tools? You can help build houses or make needed repairs.  Or maybe you have a way with words and can help write letters and press releases. If you have computer know-how, consider helping out with a website or technical support. The options are endless; just think about what you can do and offer to assist someone who may need your skills.

Donate your resources

Some people choose to donate a percentage of every paycheck to their favorite charity. Even if money is tight, you may be able to find a few dollars to spare, and every little bit counts.  Alternatively, you can donate other things, like warm coats and gloves to the homeless, gently used books to your library, toys to the children’s hospital, pet supplies to the animal shelter, school supplies to local classrooms, or food to a local food pantry like the Bath Area Food Bank. If you’re moving soon, giving food couldn’t be easier. Ask your Bisson Moving Consultant about our partnership with Move For Hunger, and consider donating your food rather than moving it.

If you aren’t doing it already, try volunteering or donating to the charity of your choice. You may be surprised to find that you receive much more than you give.